HomeCommunity NewsCasa Treatment Center Art Show Aids Recovery

Casa Treatment Center Art Show Aids Recovery

Casa Treatment Center recently hosted an art show that featured creative pieces from women in recovery.

The goal of the project is to help women in treatment build confidence, reduce depression and anxiety and learn healthy ways to cope with life’s challenges and negative emotions. Research has shown that art therapy provides participants with a learning environment where they are able to gain self-awareness and develop problem-solving skills.

The majority of women suffering from substance abuse have also experienced trauma, and creating art can also help alleviate feelings of rejection, abandonment and depression and can increase women’s confidence and self-worth, according to the organization.

The Department of Arts and Culture supports arts-based programs at non-arts social service and social justice organizations. It was designed to address two priorities, including making arts services available to L.A. County residents who might not experience them through traditional arts venues and outlets, and encouraging integration of the arts in cross-sector work at local nonprofits. The program supports arts programming at nonprofits and municipalities that often serve low-income individuals, individuals with disabilities, veterans, systems-impacted youth and other underserved communities.

Drug and alcohol dependence knows no boundaries and affects individuals regardless of gender, race, religion, profession or social class. Casa has worked for system change by providing addiction treatment exclusively to women in L.A. County since 1967. Casa’s women-centered program focuses on the life-altering experiences of women from diverse backgrounds and provides individualized treatment plans specifically designed to address addiction, trauma and mental health disorders.

Casa, which is the first treatment center in Southern California designed to specifically meet the needs of women in recovery, serves hundreds of adult women and their families each year in its residential, outpatient and sober-living programs. Clients receive individualized treatment plans and therapeutic approaches tailored to meeting their unique needs and goals.

For more information about Casa Treatment Center, visit casatreatmentcenter.org/.

First published in the May 16 issue of the San Marino Tribune


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