HomeCity NewsHunter Chang to Run for City Council Seat

Hunter Chang to Run for City Council Seat

This press release was provided by Hunter Chang, who is running for election in the San Marino City Council race. Two seats are open to candidates in the November election.

Hunter Chang announced his candidacy for San Marino City Council at a press conference on May 6 at Point Space in San Marino.

Chang’s slogan for his campaign is One San Marino! He means that “although San Marino is comprised of many entities, we need to listen and work together as one entity, as One San Marino!”

Seventeen years ago, Chang was inspired to apply for a position on the city’s Traffic Advisory Commission (TAC) to address the number of accidents in his neighborhood. He served 10 years on the TAC and eventually became the chair.  Currently, Chang serves as the vice-chair of the Public Safety Commission (PSC) which advises the City Council on issues related to Police, Fire and Public Works Departments. He has listened to the residents on their issues, analyzed the facts, collaborated with stakeholders and recommended solutions to City Council for the benefit of One San Marino!

Chang and his family have lived in San Marino for 22 years. One of the main reasons he moved to San Marino was because of the top-rated schools. His daughter, Christine, attended San Marino schools: Carver Elementary, Huntington Middle School and San Marino High School. Chang served as an executive board trustee for the San Marino Schools Foundation. He and his wife have donated to the benefactor Level.

In his 33-year professional career as an aerospace engineer, Chang has worked with multi-disciplinary teams to solve problems while managing million-dollar aerospace projects for billion-dollar programs. He received a bachelor’s from UCLA and a master’s in electrical engineering from USC. His wife of 30 years, Annie Han, is a retired 33-year banker and is volunteering as the city treasurer, a position she will be stepping down from so there is no conflict of interest. His daughter, Christine, graduated from USC Marshall School of Business and is a digital marketing analyst for a law firm in San Diego.

Chang believes that “Today, San Marino is a safe community to live in and raise our children. Although there isn’t much violent crime, we do have residential and commercial burglaries. Public safety comprises the bulk of the city budget, and we must remain competitive in pay and benefits. We need to ensure that our police and firefighters have the best training and equipment to keep our residents safe.  Response times are consistently the fastest among the five bordering cities of San Marino.”

“We need to collaborate with the school board and school district to provide the best education and learning environment for our kids. Let’s work together to keep SMUSD top in the state, so we can attract families to move and live here.”

“We’re one police, one fire, one public works, one school district, one park and rec, one library, one zip code — we’re One San Marino!” Chang said.

With his volunteer spirit, industry teamwork experience, and passion to give back to the city, Hunter is inspired to give back even more by representing the community of San Marino on the City Council.

For more information, please visit his website at vote4hunterchang.com.

First published in the May 16 issue of the San Marino Tribune


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