HomeCommunity NewsEast Meets West Hosts Community Picnic

East Meets West Hosts Community Picnic

The East Meets West Parent Education Club hosted a fun picnic for families and friends of the organization at Lacy Park on May 11.

Guests enjoyed food and treats at the potluck event, and picnickers met and learned more about the EMWPEC board members. Organization officials recognized many youths that volunteered in the community and cheered for the winners of the writing contest. San Marino Mayor Steven Huang presented the recognition to all writing contest winners.

Set the day before Mother’s Day, many families gifted mothers and grandmothers flowers as multiple generations of households joined in on the picnic celebration.

EMWPEC promotes diverse cultural understanding, encourages youths for leadership and volunteering spirit, and provides events and workshops for the whole family.  The next event is on June 8 and will be a hike and trail clean-up event.  For more information, visit EMWPEC.org.

First published in the May 23 issue of the San Marino Tribune


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