Obituary | Eleanor V. Terry

Eleanor V. Terry

November 1918-January 2021

Longtime San Marino resident Eleanor Terry passed away Jan. 18 this year at the age of 102 from COVID pneumonia. She had lived nearly 50 years in San Marino since 1969 but spent her final few years in a nearby assisted independent living facility. Eleanor graduated from University of Rochester School of Nursing in 1941, and is the last surviving member of her entire class by decades.
She worked for many years as an RN at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester before moving to California in 1969. Evidently, the nursing profession is a definite family trait extending through four generations. Eleanor’s mother was also a nurse (graduated in 1909), and her daughter Robin was an RN, graduating from the University of Rochester in 1968. Both of her beloved granddaughters became RNs as well.
She was predeceased by her husband of 67 years, Roger Terry, MD in 2008, and her daughter Robin in 1989. She leaves behind her son, Orrin Terry, MD (who graduated San Marino High School in 1971), his wife Andrea Terry, RN, her two granddaughters, Jennifer and Allison, two great granddaughters, and son-in-law Ryan Murray, MD. Her greatest joy in her final years was getting to see and hold her little great granddaughters Grace and Kate. Famously thrifty throughout her life, she requested no funeral. Her ashes will be scattered at sea by the family in a private ceremony.