Garden Club’s Enlightening Day at Huntington

Holding its monthly meeting recently on the Huntington Library’s grounds, the San Marino Garden Club heard an update from city Parks and Public Works director Michael Throne on plans to rebuild the Rose Arbor at Lacy Park. Later, the Huntington’s Kelly Fernandez led a special presentation on the benefits of the institution’s herb and Shakespeare gardens, for which she is head gardener. Tom Carruth, curator of the Huntington’s Rose Collection, treated the club to a tour of the rose garden and shared the “fear not” of pruning. Club members and guests were delighted with the day’s activities and left with an herb bouquet and roses. The club welcomed new member Petra Goldsmith of San Marino. The final event of the season will take place at 11 a.m. Tuesday, June 11, at the Hill-Harrison House for the new board installation luncheon.